Mission Statement

We, the workers of Daniel Boone Regional Library (DBRL), are uniting our voices as part-time and full-time staff, librarians and facilities workers from all locations. As a diverse workforce, we are forming our union because we are committed to building a safe and inclusive library that benefits all. DBRL’s values of excellence, creativity, equitable access and community are our values too. 

As Daniel Boone Regional Library Workers United, we recognize that staff need proper resources and support to provide quality services to our patrons and community. We assert that all DBRL workers deserve: 

Fair and equitable pay
We are committed to building a workforce that benefits all. Having opportunities for career paths and  professional advancement, affordable health care and living wages are key to reducing employee turnover and improving services to the community.

Safe place for all
We are committed to providing dignity, safety and security in the library, including freedom from harassment and discrimination.  We need the community to feel like their library is a safe space for all. 

Relationships with the community
A workplace that values our voices and the relationships that we have built with our patrons. We are both workers and members of the community ⎯ this is our library too.

Equitable access to information, materials, and buildings
Libraries are key in providing access to: technology, knowledge, books, materials, internet and much more.  We want to ensure our facilities are physically accessible with easy access to information sharing.

A voice in decisions that affect our library 
Policies and practices that take into consideration our knowledge and experiences as workers. This requires more transparency and communication from management about current affairs at the library.

Daniel Boone Regional Library Workers United is committed to realizing our library’s mission to be at the heart of our community. We will use our collective voice to build and sustain a culture of accessibility and communication that starts in our workplaces and spreads to our surrounding communities. 

We are Daniel Boone Regional Library Workers United.